- Add the items you would like to hire to your shopping cart. You'll need to specify the starting and ending date of your actual event (usually this is the same day). Our system will tell you if the items are available or not for your event dates (if it says an item you want is unavailable, please give us a call on 07 3171 2470 as we can often shuffle around our delivery schedule to make items available). If you don't have specific time windows during which you require delivery or collection, you can take advantage of our low-cost Standard Delivery service (we'll deliver and collect within two business days of the start and end of your event, at a time that we have a truck delivering/collecting other orders in your area). If you require a specific delivery/collection window, then we can do this with our Premium Delivery service.
- Checkout to request a quote (no payment details required to checkout). Select a delivery service (Standard or Premium). If you're unsure which service you require, please provide any relevant information in the checkout comments and we'll provide a quote for the appropriate service. We are unable to accept orders for pickup or drop-off to our warehouse.
- We'll confirm both our stock availability and our capacity to deliver/collect the order for your event. Once confirmed we will send you a quote and create a reservation that we will hold for 7 days.
- If you'd like to proceed with the order, we require an $80 deposit paid within 7 days.
- Full payment of the outstanding balance is required at least 4 days prior to your event.
- We'll deliver the items for your event as per the terms of the delivery service you chose.
- The big event, have fun!
- We'll collect the items as per the terms of the delivery service you chose.
If you have any questions, feel free to contact us by phone on (07) 3171 2470 or by submitting an email enquiry on our Contact Us page.